
I'm just me and thats how it should be!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Recently I have attended a few different churches for worship services with Joe. I've enjoyed going to church with him at his home church, and he was able to join me at mine about a week ago. Together we have gone to visit another church that has a new service aimed towards young adults.

I am so down for a service aimed towards reaching young adults!

I am not down for going to a concert and being expected to find God.

The first time we attended this service I was extremely uncomfortable.
one: I don't know anyone there!
two: It's a completely different atmosphere!

Everyone that was there was dressed like they were in highschool. Whether they were, or whether they were 30. It was like a runway show of who could look better. I understand wanting to look good, and being presentable, but this was going way out of hand.

I understand that David danced, and dancing is a form of worship. This was going overboard. I can't focus on the words I'm singing, because I don't know the song and the "picture" behind the words on the screen is actually the band live. Close ups on instruments, on faces, on hands. Too much about the people.

It was impossible to enter into worship.

Well... Joe and I went back for a second time. Same thing. No entrance to worship. Demands like, "every hand raised. if you're hand isn't raised, we need it up".... umm.. I'll put my hand in the air if I feel like putting my hand in the air, and honestly I don't think I'm reaching towards my God if I raise my hand in this place.

After the service Joe and I got to go to another worship service held at one of the local Christian colleges. I can not explain the difference.

The humility. The atmosphere. The attitude in the second place was very welcoming. Very open to the freedom to worship God however you felt. Dance if you wish, sit and pray if you'd like. Raise your hands, fall to your knees, have your nose to the ground. Whatever you need to be able to connect with God and hear Him. No demands. No falsehood. No concert.

It breaks my heart to wonder how many of my fellow brothers and sisters are thinking they are "entering worship", when really they're just having an emotional high from a concert. I'm glad my gut speaks loudly and my heart knows how to find true worship, because without that I'd simply be enjoying a concert.