
I'm just me and thats how it should be!

Friday, July 29, 2005

tears suck

well...i am working today! haha! isn't life funny! I was needed at my nanny job again...but only until 10am.

And last night was not a fun night to be alone. It pretty much sucked. well i'll start with caribou! that was pretty sweet! however i became the person that everyone complaines to about the other people! too funny! and then...hmm...i did a lot of dishes, i spilt a lot of stuff and had to clean it was sooo frustrating! then...i did more dishes...probably! ummm i cashiered for a while...i dunno it was a long seven hours on my feet. However it seemed to fly by really quickly! Then i went home around 10:15ish...played piano for about a half hour...but after a while i coulnd't see the music notes on my music because my eyes were to filled with tears. I am so sick .... one more sick of crying. I thought i was gonna handle it i got up from the piano to go check my mail...and i lost it...i fell down crying. It i called Momo...and she let me cry and yell (kinda) and ask all the questions that i don't have the answers to.

Still haven't heard from Wade....still haven't called him.

"I'm afraid to love, so why am i in love. I'm afraid of the hurt and the pain, misbelief and the shame, i am afraid of the unknown, suspense can kill...i'm afraid" -sweet song by Brooke Lindquist!

"I don't wanna be alone tonight with tears streaming down my cheeks i don't wanna be one of those girls who cries themselves to sleep. But its hard to hold the tears back....when i miss you" - song by me...


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